$10 Quad Shot Americano ☕️

How my podcast has afforded me 1.5 quad shot americanos

DISCLAIMER - longtime subscribers will recognize this as a repost from a couple months back. Since then, we’ve transitioned newsletter platforms and also gained many new readers (welcome!), so I wanted to sprinkle in a couple of the most popular original pieces of content to welcome our newest members (and serve as great reminders for the OG’s). Enjoy!

$10 Quad Shot Americano ☕️

A few weeks ago was a massive milestone for the Seeds of Success Podcast. We eclipsed the $10 mark on podcast revenue. The best part about it? It only took 2+ years to get there. Good thing I still have my day job.

That’s roughly $0.013 per day. Holla for a dolla baby.

Now I know that’s nothing to get up and retire from, but hear me out: that’s progress.

Let’s break down our beloved M3 model: Movement > Momentum > Motivation

I started with an initial goal: to start a podcast. Then I purchased a USB mic and opened the box (movement). Then I actually plugged the thing in, hit record, and published an episode. Then I did it again. “Hmm. This is kinda fun,” I thought (momentum).

And then I set a goal to make $1. I hit it. Then I raised the bar to $10. Check. And here we are 2+ years later with another milestone, and another raised bar - $100 (motivation).

This progress represents part of what this podcast is all about: having a vision, setting goals and milestones to ensure progress, taking action, and raising the bar when we get there.

Here’s the thing: now that I somewhat know what I’m doing and now that I’ve put in the reps to consistently publish a podcast on a weekly basis, I am starting to think differently.

My thoughts have transitioned from, “How can I make $1” to “How can I make $100? $1,000?” Sometimes I even think, “If I wanted to, how could I actually make a career out of this?”

⚡️ Level-up your questions, level-up your life.

When we put in our reps, consistently work towards our goals, achieve bigger milestones, and ask ourselves more profound questions, we are inherently leveling-up our skill sets, knowledge, and thought-patterns. In turn, we are transforming who we are becoming.

If you’re still reading this, there’s a good chance you have listened to an episode or two of the Seeds of Success Podcast and supported along the way. I can’t thank you enough.

$100 here we come 🚀

Last thing - at this stage in my podcasting journey, money is not the goal. I never thought about when first starting out, and haven’t really thought about it much since.

It has simply been my (fun) way of measuring if what I’m doing is reaching people… if I’m creating impact, and hopefully, if I’m changing lives for the better.

As my friend and mindset coach, Trevor Moawad, used to say, “Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.”

Cheers to my 1.5 quad shot americanos I’m about to splurge on ☕️

Happy Saturday Seeds y’all.

Keep Plantin’ 🌱


Interested in some quick lessons from making $10 on the podcast? Here you go.

Lessons from $10:

  • Consistency is key

  • Getting started is the hardest part

  • Don’t waste time on the tech (for now) - download the anchor app, click record on your phone, and hit publish. Boom. You’re live.

  • My advice - get live as fast as possible

  • Set a goal for a USB mic first because it’s so easy to use. I used it for my first 30 episodes. That and my phone… and computer (aka the things I already had)

  • Record yourself on video - create multiple ways to create and repurpose content

  • Capture ideas immediately

  • Keep recording when inspired (because it’s fleeting)

  • Keep recording when UNINSPIRED - because this is how you actually get it done


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Sharing this newsletter is the #1 thing that can help us grow and create the global impact we are striving for. I’m beyond appreciative of your support.

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**When we hit the 100-subscriber mark, we’ll be giving away a special prize for one lucky subscriber. Let’s go!

Much love and gratitude, y’all.

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