30 Life Lessons in 30 Years

What I've learned about life in 30 years of living

What up my beautiful people! First off, I just want to say THANK YOU to each and every one of you for taking interest in my creative endeavors. Whether it's the podcast, YouTube, content, or social, I seriously appreciate you following along, showing support, and willingly subscribing to the newsletter - you are the reason I'm writing this copy and building this community.

Not going to lie - I was a little nervous putting myself out there to ask for emails and possibly face rejection... but we'll never get what we want out of life if we don't ask, so here we are.

Welcome to the Seeds of Success Newsletter.

In kicking off the inaugural "Saturday Seeds" newsletter, I wanted to resurface a previous blog I wrote for my recent 30th Birthday Celebration (work smarter, not harder, right?)

Back in November I turned 30 years old. This was a big one for me. A milestone. The first milestone birthday I really celebrated with true meaning (not the "finally being able to legally drink" celebration for turning 21). It was a milestone that held weight, passion, and meaning in which I found gratitude for my past, and incredible excitement for the future.

As I reflected on the previous 30 years of my life, I was inspired by the lessons I've learned and wanted to share them with you.

These are lessons I've learned through failures, successes, other people, other people’s failures, life experiences, travel, work, building a brand, personal development, setbacks, challenges, adversity, endurance training, health, fitness, books, podcasts, taking action - the list goes on.

Simply put: these are some lessons I've learned from life.

So without further ado, in no particular order, here are 30 lessons I’ve learned in 30 years of living.

  1. Early mornings are the best mornings.

  2. Meaningful conversations and relationships lead to deep roots of fulfillment and happiness. Invest in your relationships. Make the phone call. Make the time. Plan the trip, the coffee date, the walk around the block.

  3. Focused attention will continue to be THE way to get ahead, and stay ahead. And a massive lever to pull to create results.

  4. You truly only learn what you like and don’t like through the act of doing. You won't really know until you try. Everything else is just speculation.

  5. My favorite concept of "work" is up-front work that pays for itself over and over.

  6. "Selling" is all about what OTHER people care about. It's about delivering enough value to make sense of the investment.

  7. Reflection is where the gold is, the learning, and the future opportunity.

  8. Trying new things are oftentimes the scariest, yet most rewarding. There seems to be a direct correlation between fear and fulfillment.

  9. Life is beyond precious - you never truly know when your day will come. Live it to the fullest. Do things NOW, when you have the chance, because tomorrow may never come, and that idea may disappear.

  10. Fresh air can clear your heard, minimize stress, and relieve anxiety. Get outside.

  11. A cold shower never gets old.

  12. Done is better than perfect.

  13. No decision is worse than the wrong decision. Move fast.

  14. You can never say thank you enough.

  15. Confidence comes from being prepared and knowing what you are talking about.

  16. Being an extrovert doesn’t mean you’re outgoing, but that you get energy from other people.

  17. The harder the challenge, the more satisfying the reward.

  18. You truly get out what you put in.

  19. Early mornings, when capitalized on, breed confidence and clarity. So does planning ahead.

  20. There are a lot of benefits to remote work, but nothing will ever compare to being face to face with another human. For me, that is the only way I get real human connection.

  21. Everything always works out. At the very least, I've made it through every difficult situation because he we are, typing these words, with everything being okay.

  22. Always end on a good note (ie: always ending on a make in basketball, good call in sales). It makes you excited to return to said activity, and builds momentum for tomorrow.

  23. Don’t let emotional feelings impact longterm consequences.


  25. Running is a keystone habit that positively affects my life.

  26. Make time for traveling, road trips, adventures, and exploring - they create new ideas and perspectives. Ones you would have never had anyways.

  27. Fulfillment comes in large part from feeling valuable, useful, helpful, and of service to others.

  28. Ideas + Immediate Action will create incredible results.

  29. Momentum is a powerful force. Use it when you have it. Because in the moment it seems like it will always be there, but it won’t. It’s fleeting. And we must recognize it when we have it, and take advantage of it. SIEZE THE OPPORTUNITY.

  30. Saying "Yes" to opportunities that involve one-time experiences is a key to ultimate memory creation and happiness.

  31. Go One More. The extra mile isn’t crowded, and a little adds up to a lot… (shoutout Nick Bare and BPN for this way of living)

And there we have it. 31 Lessons in 30 Years. There's plenty more ideas I had. Plenty more thoughts, lessons, and insights I could have shared. But you know what? Done is better than perfect. So there you go.

Want to hear the in-depth breakdown of the 30 Lessons?

And here is the most played Episode on YouTube: