
Seeds Family - it’s currently 10:43pm on Sunday night, September 24, 2023. It’s been a busy weekend, and I can think of 101 reasons to not get out a newsletter right now.

But I said I would do it, so here we are, getting it done, creating the opportunity to build momentum going into the week - through action.

It reminds me of the best definition I’ve ever heard of ‘committment’ from Inky Johnson some years ago. It goes something along the lines of:

“Staying true to what you said you would do, long after the feeling that you set it in has left.”

And if you haven’t seen Inky’s motivational video on imposing your will, here you go:

And that’s what I got for you on this week’s Seeds of Success Newsletter - an encouragement to stay true to our word this week, no matter how big or small, and follow through on the things we said we were going to do.

Behavior > Feelings

Happy Sunday Night Seeds, y’all. Let’s go make it a great week.

Keep Plantin’ 🌱


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Sharing this newsletter is the #1 thing that can help us grow and create the global positive impact we are striving for. I’m beyond appreciative of your support.

►Follow The Journey:

**When we hit the 100-subscriber mark, we’ll be giving away a special prize for one lucky subscriber. Let’s go!

Much love and gratitude, y’all.