Three Words That Can Change Everything đź’Ž

All it takes is one idea, one conversation, one person - to change your life forever.

Three Words: JUST. SHOW. UP.

I know, I know, you hear this all the time, but hear me out.

This concept is nothing new, nothing revolutionary, I get it. But it CAN be revolutionary for your life if you just show up to those places you know you should go, engage in those conversations you know you should have, and do the things you know you should do.

Easy way to think about: DO THE THINGS YOU RESIST.

Here are some my personal examples of “just showing up” over the last several weeks:

  1. Going into the office

  2. Attending my sales coaching call

  3. Going to Toastmasters

Let’s start with work: I don’t know who can relate, but Covid did something strange to me… I’m an individual that thrives around others, feeds off other people’s energy, and finds tremendous value in being around people to learn from and collaborate with.

As the saying goes: “High tides raise all ships” 🌊

While I find myself rather isolated as a fully remote employee, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t slightly love it… (closet introvert?) I won’t go down a rabbit hole of this right now, but let’s just say I’m still trying to find that optimal balance of working from home (for maximum productivity) and also getting into the office (for collaboration, inspiration, and human interaction to feed the soul).

It’s nice to see another human every once in a while, but going into the office requires effort (commuting, traffic, going into elevators, engaging with people - you know, actually-leaving-the-house sorts of things).

But every time I lean into the resistance, make the effort, and just show up to the office, I leave feeling reinvigorated, energized, and more excited for the work. I feel a stronger sense of community, and one that I typically only get by showing up to the office.

🌱SEED OF SUCCESS: While I believe “just showing up” is half the battle, I want to also emphasize that we should 100% make the most of the opportunity when we DO show up. Be engaged, keep doing the things you resist when you’re there, and be intentional of getting the most out of the situation.

Now onto my recent sales coaching call. Did I feel completely out of my league and extremely uncomfortable surrounded by tenured Enterprise Sales Reps seemingly speaking a different language? Absolutely.

But I focused on two things within my control:

  1. Just show up

  2. Ask at least one question

Nervous as I was, both of these got accomplished, and I learned more in that 60 minutes about enterprise sales than I have my entire career.

Lastly, Toastmasters. The meetings start at 7am, and I was on my morning run thinking of every excuse not to show up: I’m working a big deal, could use the time to prospect, reach out to clients, I’m running late, etc. But then, I did something transformational. I decided to go. I decided to Just. Show. Up.

🌱SEED OF SUCCESS: Late is better than never, and done is better than perfect.

So I finished my run, didn’t stress, walked through the door 15 minutes late, and immediately realized I was exactly where I was supposed to be.

I was surrounded by go-getters, early risers, world travelers, passionate people - individuals willingly showing up to a 7am Toastmasters meeting to actively work on themselves. I was surrounded by my tribe.

And it’s these decisions to just show up that can potentially change everything, because all it takes is one idea, one conversation, one person - to change your life forever.


🌱Need some ideas & inspiration for your next “Show Up” moment?

  • Check out your local Toastmasters club - hands down the best personal development program I’ve ever been a part of

  • Visit your local running / athletic club - there’s usually people of all abilities & experience

  • Fully remote? Go into the office or post up at a local coffee shop (I’m still interested in trying WeWork)

  • Go to the gym, and then do it the next day, and the next

  • Attend a conference or live seminar

  • Schedule a 60-minute cold calling block, and actually do it. Start dialing the minute your appointment begins

  • Turn your Zoom camera on

  • Take the trip

The list is endless. Follow the resistance, and let’s go make it happen.

One Seed for YOUR Success at a time⚡️

Keep Plantin’ y’all 🌱


Interested in learning more about The Resistance? Read this book on Turning Pro & Tapping Into Your Power & Create Your Life’s Work.

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