My Productive Morning Routine ⚡️

And how YOU can create an extraordinary life


You hear it often, and I truly believe that when we create exceptional mornings, it drastically increases our chances to have exceptional days. Those days turn into weeks, weeks into months, and months into years.

Therefore, I believe that an exceptional morning, consistently executed over time, will create an exceptional life.

And this is the same for you.

Does that mean that a great morning will guarantee a great day? Not at all. Life happens.

But in my experience, executing a great morning drastically increases my odds for a great day, and therefore a great life.

This was a topic from my coaching session this week, where we reflected upon our morning routines, and I identified three (3) things that have remained consistent for me over the last ~decade:

1. Wake up early
2. Move / Train / Sweat
3. Cold Shower

That's it. Those are the three that have stayed with me throughout the years no matter where I'm traveling, where I'm waking up, or what I'm going through in life.

Sure, I've done my 10 pages of reading. I've journaled. I've planned, meditated, sent out gratitude texts. And those are all phenomenal things and I wish I did them more.

But my truth is that they haven't stuck (although I'm now incorporating reading my 2024 affirmation + The Daily Stoic).

But at the end of the day, I have my 3 non-negotiables that I don’t (for the most part), deviate from.

Oh, and I almost forgot… the one thing that tops it all off: coffee ☕️ 😎

Talk about feeling unstoppable 💥

Exactly how we started the day a couple weeks back in Portland, OR


  1. When do YOU feel at your best in the mornings? Do you also need to workout? Do you meditate? Read? Journal? Or maybe you just love diving straight into your work?

  2. Identify 2-3 things you KNOW help you have an extraordinary morning. Name them. And commit to keep doing those things. Say it out loud. Right now.

  3. Now - identify one (1) thing you want to test for this next week. Just one thing. And commit for one week.

Great work.

Quick favor - can you take two seconds and reply to this email with one word that highlights the one action you’re going to test out this week?

Stoked to see what y’all come up with. 

Keep Plantin’ 🌱

This was a 5am “Eat the Frog” morning: pouring rain, 38 degrees, pitch black. And DONE.