A Peak Into my Journal ✍️

First ever public journal post

What up Seeds fam! Question - do you ever sift through old notes or journals and come across something that stops you in your tracks? This happened to me yesterday, and I’m going to share that note with you.

I’ve never shared anything publicly from my personal journal, but I think the more vulnerable we can be in this world, the more we can learn and grow from each other. While continuing to conquer our own fears.

Some quick context for the post: Shelby (my fiancé) and I were traveling to my birth city of Corpus Christi last summer, and we stayed with my family members, Gerry and Penny. I was battling some running injuries, but trying to power through.

Here’s the raw, unedited post:

Journaling 6/24/22

“Currently in Corpus Christi. Sitting in Gerry and Penny’s backyard with back spasms. Couldn’t go run like I wanted to in downtown. Not sure exactly what to do for this thing, so I’m going to NOT do specific things, and I’m going to use this as an opportunity to let my shin, plantar, and back continue healing.

These crippling moments are always important opportunities to remember not to take life for granted. And to go after your dreams and bucket list items and travel and goals with rigor and urgency. Keep doing. MAKE the trips happen. Keep meeting family and making deeper relationships with the smaller, closer friends.

Keep doing yoga. For spiritual experience. Flexibility. Lower back strength. Overall health and vitality.

And at least I got to see the downtown by driving through it.

Every day is what you make of it.

This back spasm is an opportunity to:

  • Practice doing what I can and focusing on next best behavior with neutral mindset

  • Practice not giving pain and negativity a voice. They get no voice here. It’s only what can I do, and how can I manage this in the most professional and optimistic way.

  • Have fun with it.

  • Focus on work, revenue generating activities

It’s notes like these that can help reroot our lives, priorities, and what we’re chasing. For me, these are powerful reminders to go after my dreams, keep fighting, always keep doing what we can, and never take life for granted.

So as always, I want to bring it back to you:

  1. What dreams, relationships, and life goals do you need to re-prioritize and go after?

  2. Where do you need to be vulnerable in your life right now?

  3. How can you lower the frequency of the negative self talk, and increase the frequency of positivity, or at least neutrality?

I hope this helps you kick off your week the right way - with rigor, intentionally, and enthusiasm. Let’s go after these next couple of weeks until the New Year.

Thank you for being a part of the Seeds Community. It means more than I’ll ever be able to share in this writing.

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