10 Lessons I've Learned Throughout my 1-Year Content Creation Journey

(They are directly applicable to you)

Just over a year ago my better half and fiancé, Shelby, challenged me to make a reel of our adventure to Crater Lake. I had never made a reel up to that point, but did a whole lot of talking about how I wanted to start. I accepted the challenge, and committed to making the reel.

Crater Lake National Park! (Oregon)

I’m not kidding when I say, it probably took me 6+ hours to create that thing: 1 hour stressing about starting, 4+ hours stumbling through actually making the thing, another hour finalizing the caption, and a final hour working through the nerves to click publish.

Basically, it took me an entire workday to create one reel 😂

Well, here we are one year and 118 reels later with a discovered passion for creation, love of the process, a greater sense of community, and a desire to keep going.

⚡️CTA: if you’re debating getting started with something, still thinking about it, still resisting, just do it. JUST GET STARTED.

🌱SEED OF SUCCESS: The vision doesn’t have to be clear and the roadmap doesn’t have to be perfect. Oftentimes, there is no roadmap. At least for me there wasn’t.

But when we just get started, enjoy the process, stay curious, and keep doing the thing, our world opens up and the vision becomes more clear.

And now, here’s the list of 10 lessons I’ve learned throughout my content creation journey:

  1. Be in love with the process - (relatively) enjoy it, or don’t do it at all

  2. Natural curiosity for improvement will tell you a lot about if you like that thing or not

  3. The more we do, the more the vision continues to reveal itself

  4. Public commitments make shit happen and hold you accountable - simply put, they help produce results - especially when you commit to a deadline

  5. My content creation journey has naturally improved many other areas of my life: commitment & follow-through, planning ahead, thinking strategically, living outside of our comfort zones, being able to adjust, marketing & sales skills, creating compelling CTA’s

  6. Make sure to laugh at yourself every now and then - it really helps relieve stress, challenges, and anxiety - don’t forget to SMILE

  7. Done is better than perfect, and late is better than never (lessons from last year’s “30 for 30” still in full effect)

  8. I’m really glad I started after 1 year looking back - I don’t regret a single thing - and you won’t either. Just go for it. Start now. Start today. 

  9. It’s important to have a combination of idea creation: capturing our moments of inspiration and taking immediate action, and also being able to be resourceful and create ideas when we just need to get something out the door

  10. We oftentimes don’t give ourselves enough credit - I went back through my posts and realized that I should probably continue listening to my OWN advice more often

And there you have it! 10 things I’ve learned throughout this past year of content creation that you can apply to your life and own endeavors.

Hope this helps! My goal is for you to the fastest time-to-value possible from this episode, and take ONE thing away from this episode and apply it to your life.

Feel free to hit “REPLY” and let me know what that one thing is for you.

Happy Saturday Seeds y’all.

Keep Plantin’ 🌱💡

P.S. - here’s the famous reel in case you’re curious


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2nd deepest lake in North America!

“Stop. One step to the right. Wait now back half a step. One more inch. Smile. Little less serious. Okay, looks good. Wait, hand in pocket. Turn the hat around. No, back the other way…” is about how it goes for epic shots like these…

But these ones are all natural!